Title: Starry Sky Fandom: Lost Characters/Pairings: Kate/Jack Team: Ice Challenge: #46: Magic Bonus: Moon, Stars Rating:: G Summary: Kate observes the night sky. Warnings: None.
Title: Holiday House Fandom: Lost Characters: Boone/Shannon Rating: K+ Team: Ice Prompt: Day 10 Words: 100 Summary: Shannon misses that house more than anything. Warnings: S1-ish.
Title: Christmas Fandom: Lost Characters: Locke/Helen Rating: K Team: Ice Prompt: Day 07 Words: 100 Summary: Locke and Helen prepare to spend Christmas together. Warnings: Flash-sideways fic.
Title: A Snowy Day in Otherville Fandom: Lost Characters: Ben/Juliet Rating: K+ Team: Ice Prompt: Day 05 Words: 100 Summary: Juliet couldn't believe it when she saw it out her window. Warnings: Pre-series.
Title: The Postcard Fandom: The Walking Dead Characters: Hershel, Beth, mentions of Maggie Rating: K Team: Ice Prompt: Day 04 Words: 100 Summary: Maggie sends a postcard from Australia. Warnings: Pre-Apocalypse.
Title: For A Cause: Intense Heat Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Genre: Romance/Comedy/Horror - AU Team: Ice Prompt: Thrilling Characters/Pairing: Roy/Ed Word Count: 294 Rating: T Warnings/Spoilers: None Summary: Roy gets into more trouble at a club than Ed can get him out of.